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 IronSpider Man...

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ПисанеЗаглавие: IronSpider Man...   IronSpider Man... EmptyПон Апр 26, 2010 2:15 pm

Spider-Man in tandem to combat his many foes. He receives most of his powers when he is bitten by a radioactive common house spider (Amazing Fantasy #15). He uses his technical skill to develop equipment and weapons to complement his powers, and wears a number of costumes, many of which have special properties.

When Peter Parker was bitten by a lethally irradiated spider, radioactive mutagenic enzymes in the spider's venom quickly caused numerous body-wide changes. Immediately after the bite, he was granted his original powers: primarily superhuman strength, reflexes, and equilibrium; the ability to cling tenaciously to most surfaces; and a subconscious precognitive sense of danger, which he called a "spider-sense."

Several biologists on the History Channel’s Spider-Man Tech stated the effect of a radioactive spider bite (if any) would not be nearly enough to cause a mutation in a human body. However, they said the use of "genetically engineered" spiders from the live-action movie and the Ultimate continuity was more plausible. Instead of radioactive venom, the bite would have to carry a powerful retro virus (similar to HIV) that would spread through the body by taking over neighboring cells and actually becoming ingrained in the person’s DNA. They illustrated this by showing the results of an experiment where glow genes from deep sea Jelly fish were introduced into the embryos of lab mice. The resulting mice were born with the glow gene as a part of their own DNA and glowed light green whenever an ultraviolet light was shone on them.[1][2]

Generally enhanced physiology

Spider-Man's overall metabolic efficiency has been greatly increased, and the composition of his skeleton, connective tissues, muscles, and nervous system have all been enhanced. Spider-Man is capable of healing injuries faster and more extensively than ordinary humans, though it is considerably inferior to the healing abilities of individuals such as Wolverine or The Hulk. However, Spider-Man is capable of healing from injuries as severe as broken bones within a matter of hours. During a battle with a villain called the Masked Marauder, Spider-Man is rendered completely blind. However, during a visit to an eye specialist, it is revealed that Spider-Man is already healing only after mere hours of being blasted. After about 2 days, Spider-Man's eyes are healed to perfection and his 20/20 vision is restored, although they are sensitive for about a day after, shown when Carrion flashed a bright light in his face, but afterwards, his eyes are totally healed. During the recent unmasking of Spider-Man in "Civil War," (After the events of "The Other") he is ambushed by the Rhino and is injured. However, he heals completely by the end of the issue without medical attention. He even mentions to Aunt May that 'he knows he has always been a fast healer, but lately it seems even more so.' Also when Spider-Man is heavily beaten and drugged, suffering multiple fractures and blood loss by the Jack O' Lantern and Jester in Civil War, he is almost completely healed in the next issue. Like many superhuman powers, the effectiveness of Spider-Man's abilities varies based on the author and the needs of the story.

His accelerated metabolism increases his tolerance to drugs, meaning a larger dose is needed to cause the usual effect, and he can recover from the effects rapidly. During an encounter with the bee-based villain Swarm, Spider-Man is incapacitated by thousands of bee stings, but fully recovers in less than 24 hours. His resistance to other toxins varies, but is typically significantly higher than normal. However, Spider-Man has normal human tolerance to the effects of alcoholic beverages and is rarely shown drinking, since it affects his balance, reflexes and coordination. In one battle with the Hobgoblin[3], he nearly loses his life after unknowingly consuming spiked punch at a party. Although he is still affected by disease and infection, his recovery time is typically shorter than that of an ordinary human. Spider-Man's unique physiology even allows him to recover from the effects of vampirism.[4]

Spider-Man is still vulnerable to disease, and has fallen ill due to flu many times[5], which affects the reliability of his powers. He also has a certain susceptibility towards ethyl chloride, which is a commonly used pesticide against insects and arachnids. This chemical is used frequently as a weapon in Spider-Slayer robots.
[edit] Possible mystical connection

Ezekiel, who shares similar spider abilities (gained through an arcane ritual), makes Peter question the source of his powers, implying a mystical reason the spider chose to bite him. When he performs a ritual to kill Spider-Man after joining their minds, however, Ezekiel realizes Spider-Man is a hero and sacrifices himself.[6]
[edit] Wall-crawling

Spider-Man is capable of crawling on walls and ceilings. He has conscious control over this ability, and it is simple and instinctive for him to use—he first uses it in Amazing Fantasy #15 before realizing he has the ability. Originally, Spider-Man is able to stick to surfaces using his hands and feet[7], but later he is shown to be able to cling with his back[8]. The strength of attraction between himself and the surface he is clinging to is considerable, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. If Spider-Man does not willingly detach, but is pulled off by force, the surface usually breaks still attached to his body. However, it has been shown that a significant shock can cause him to lose control of his power and fall off a surface. If a surface is too slippery, he has problems sticking to it; if it is too fragile or crumbling, it is unable to support his weight. He can also use his clinging ability to lift or hold objects; for instance, he can catch a thrown ball simply by touching it with one fingertip. Spider-Man is also able to jump against the walls and he can also sprint against a wall which helps him climb surfaces a lot faster.

The ability works through thin layers of cloth, such as the fabric of his costume, but not through materials such as the soles of shoes. When Peter Parker needs to crawl without changing into the costume, he removes his shoes first.[9]

Spider-Man's wall-crawling ability has increased with time, most notably after 2005's Spider-Man: The Other story arc. As a result of further mutation, nearly every part of his body has gained or increased in attraction to other surfaces, and he can stick people or objects on his back, or keep his mask firmly fixed to his face (previously used to prevent undesirable mask removal), protecting his secret identity.[6]

Kaine, the villainous clone of Spider-Man, has shown the ability to use his wall-crawling abilities in a more offensive manner, burning distinctive scars, known as the Mark of Kaine in the face of his victims. Later Spider-Man himself uses a variation of the same ability to escape from The Green Goblin by making his fingertips cling to his face and tearing them away, digging five deep wounds in Norman's face. Despite the obvious offensive potential of such an ability, Peter claims that it is unlikely he will use it again, as it was a move born out of anger and desperation[10]

Spider-Man's wall crawling abilities have been explained in several ways. Some notable explanations include:

* A panel of biologists and physicists on the History Channel’s Spider-Man Tech suggested the barbed-hair on his fingertips (from the movie) could have the same effect as the miniature scopulae hairs on the ends of a spider’s feet. Spiders are able to climb up seemingly impossible surfaces like glass because the scopulae interact with the glass’s atoms causing a form of atomic static cling via the Van der Waals force.[1][11]
* The Spider-Man entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe states that Spider-Man is able to enhance the flux of inter-atomic attractive forces on surfaces he touches, increasing the coefficient of friction between that surface and himself.
* Bio-electricity. Spider-Girl's similar power is referred to by Reed Richards as "bio-magnetism," but her ability is somewhat different.

[edit] Enemies able to cancel wall-crawling ability

* Electro had a revelation during a battle about Spider-Man's clinging ability and can disrupt this power somehow, claiming that it was based on some sort of electromagnetic bonding. It is ineffective after the events of "The Other".
* Many enemies, such as Stilt-Man and Paste Pot Pete have used lubricants to prevent Spider-Man from sticking.
* Many enemies have ripped Spider-Man from a surface using strength but usually after the wall breaks from the strain, not from his powers failing, and pieces of the wall can still be seen clinging to his fingers and toes.

[edit] Superhuman strength and durability

Spider-Man's strength varies widely due to artistic license, but is well into the superhuman range of strength. Early in his career, Spider-Man was frequently said to have the proportional strength of a spider, being capable of lifting 150 times his own body weight, but he can lift much more. For a time, due to events of "The Other" and "The Queen" story arcs, his physical strength was increased to twice his original limit, capable of lifting 20-25 tons. However, due to the events of the "Brand New Day" story arc, his strength has reverted to his original limits. During the Secret Invasion, Spider-Man was shown to able to knock a Tyranosaurus Rex unconscious in one punch. He has been shown to lift and throw objects such as a semi truck with ease.[12] When in combat, Spider-Man must pull his punches unless fighting someone of similar or greater durability and power. Otherwise, his blows would kill a normal person.[13]

Spider-Man's bodily tissue is a great deal more durable and resistant to some types of injury than a normal human. However, Spider-Man is far from invulnerable. While his body is tougher than an ordinary human, as seen several times in Spider-Man 2 (via falling from average web slinging height without sustaining significant injury), he can still be injured in ways comparable to an ordinary human. For example, Spider-Man can be injured by bullets or knives composed of conventional material and from impacts of sufficient force. However, if injured, his accelerated metabolism is capable of repairing itself many times faster than an ordinary human is capable of. A doctor has told Spider-Man that it would be impossible for a normal man to survive the punishment that he has endured.[14]

Spider-Man can leap several stories vertically or the width of a city street.[15] He can run at superhuman speed for short sprints, but prefers using his weblines to travel.[16]
[edit] Spider-reflexes and agility

Spider-Man's agility and reflexes are far superior to those of an ordinary human, even those that represent the peak of human conditioning such as Captain America. The speed of his reflexes combined with his spider-sense allows him to dodge almost any attack, even gunfire at point blank.[17] Due to the events of "The Other," his reflexes are increased further, responding directly to his spider-sense and instinct that can result in him lashing out at negligible threats.[18] However, much like his physical strength, the events of "Brand New Day" have reverted his reflexes back to their original limits.

Spider-Man has the ability to maintain his equilibrium on any surface that he can stick to. For example, he can balance on one finger on a high wire[19], or stand upright on a wall, perpendicular to the ground. Additionally, he is able to flex his body like a contortionist, assuming postures that would be impossible or harmful for most normal humans. His tendons and connective tissues are at least twice as elastic as the average human being's. This ability is often demonstrated by the unusual poses Spider-Man would assume while webslinging or dodging enemy attacks. Also, as an outcome of his spider-reflexes, Peter has developed his own fighting style.
[edit] Spider-sense

Spider-Man's "spider-sense" manifests in a tingling feeling at the base of his skull, alerting him to personal danger in proportion to the severity of that danger. It appears to be a simultaneous, seemingly clairvoyant response to a wide variety of phenomena. Though the exact mechanism of this ability is unknown, his original spider-sense clearly has at least two aspects in addition to sensing potential or immediate danger:

* A psychological awareness of his surroundings, similar to the radar-sense of Daredevil. When he is temporarily blinded[20], Spider-Man learns to emulate this ability and navigate without his eyesight. Even under normal conditions, his spider-sense helps him navigate darkened rooms, instinctively avoiding obstacles or hazards, or potentially noisy or unstable floorboards, walls or ceilings that may betray his presence. In one comic, he is shown sensing how many fingers Mary Jane is holding up.
* An ability to detect certain radio frequencies. Spider-Man's technical skill is such that he has designed spider-tracers that broadcast a signal detectable by his spider-sense.

Using his spider-sense to time his enhanced reflexes, Spider-Man can casually dodge attacks up to and including automatic-weapons fire. Even point blank, his spider-sense has already warned him in enough time to get away like a precognitive sense, before he can even consciously think about his actions. However, he can ignore this instinct. His spider-sense is sufficiently well-linked to his reflexes, even before "The Other" storyline, that a threat can trigger them even when Spider-Man is asleep or stunned, as in Amazing Spider-Man #141, where a narcotic gas released by foe Mysterio caused him to lose his balance and fall from a building. Though barely conscious, a combination of spider-sense and reflex caused his arm to seize a fire-escape ladder, saving his life.

When Spider-Man swings across a city on his weblines, his spider-sense guides his aim, allowing him to travel at high speeds hundreds of feet above street level with minimal concentration, confident his weblines will find secure anchor points.

Spider-Man's spider-sense is directional and can guide him to or away from hidden weapons and disguised enemies. Sudden and extreme threats (such as the Beyonder observing Earth before the first Secret Wars, the Ultimate version of Venom, or the predatory Morlun) can cause his spider-sense to react with painful intensity.

Spider-Man can also sense and dodge attacks directed randomly or by a computer. His spider-sense has helped him preserve his secret identity since it alerts him to observers or cameras when changing into or out of his costume. The spider-sense doesn't react to those whom Peter does not consider a threat, such as Aunt May. Contrary to this, his spider-sense has warned him of people close to him when he doesn't wish to be seen, such as when he's partly in costume.

Spider-Man can choose to ignore his spider-sense, and distraction or fatigue can force unawareness.

Spider-Man has used his spider-sense to battle even the most skilled fighters in the Marvel Universe. While not being as trained as them in conventional fighting styles his spider-sense and reflexes (provided with split second quickness and agility) allow him to dodge and counter, often with ease.

After the "Disassembled" and "The Other" storylines, Spider-Man gains the ability to feel vibrations and currents in the air or in his web lines, much like a real spider. He also develops a psychic connection to insects, spiders, and other arthropods (see below). The spider-sense also allows Spidey to determine the source of the incoming attack, which gives him an advantage against enemies who are all over the place like Spot. However, much like his physical attributes, his spider-sense reverts to its original limits after the events of "Brand New Day".
[edit] Enemies immune to the spider-sense

When deprived of his spider-sense, Spider-Man becomes vulnerable to surveillance and attack and traveling by web-line requires most of his concentration.

* The Green Goblin developed a gas that temporarily deadened all of Spidey's senses, especially his spider-sense.[21] This same gas was later enhanced and used by Roderick Kingsley, in his guise as the villain Hobgoblin.[22]
* Venom is undetectable to Spider-Man's spider-sense,[23] due to the symbiote having been mentally linked to him. His descendant symbiotes, including Carnage[24] and Toxin[25], have inherited this trait to a lesser extent.

In Secret Wars issue #8, Spider-Man first comes in contact with the symbiote. His spider-sense goes off but is quickly dampened as the symbiote flowed over Spider-Man's body and established the mental link that allowed it to generate webbing and respond to Spider-Man's thoughts. However, a clone of Spider-Man, Ben Reilly was able to use his spider-sense to anticipate the attacks of Venom. This may be related to the fact that the clone was created prior to Peter's bond with the symbiote. This suggests that it is Peter's spider-sense that no longer responds to the symbiote due to acclimatization, rather than the symbiote having developed the ability to hide itself. This explanation would be the official reason Spider-Man couldn't sense Venom in The Spectacular Spider-Man animated series.

* Mysterio has developed a radar-like device that can neutralize the sense.
* The clones Kaine, Ben Reilly, and Spidercide were also undetectable, and he is undetectable to their spider-senses as well. As they share the same DNA, their spider-senses recognize the others as "self."
* Kraven the Hunter once used a jungle scent that dulled Spider-Man's spider-sense.
* The Jackal once succeeded in attacking Spider-Man from behind, without triggering his spider-sense. The Jackal explained it to be due to him always being Peter Parker's (Spider-Man's alter ego) friend, meaning that the spider-sense wouldn't regard him as a threat/enemy. The Jackal then took off his mask, revealing himself to be Dr. Miles Warren, one of Peter Parker's teachers (inapplicable, contrary to modern continuity).
* Iron Man has created a device that can send false spider-sense signals. He has also incorporated the device into his armor to grant him his own version of the spider-sense. However, this mechanism is apparently imperfect since Iron Man was unable to detect the presence of Vision.[26]
* Certain Skrull agents are immune to the sense. Spider-Man was unable to sense anything unusual about the agent posing as Elektra. This agent was also able to avoid detection by Wolverine's heightened sense of smell or Doctor Strange's mystical abilities.[27]
* The Spot can attack Spider-Man with his attacks coming out of "spots", since Spider-Man's spider-sense couldn't detect a threat coming from an alternate dimension.
* Ezekiel Sims was immune to Peter's spider-sense because the two shared similar powers, but this also made Spider-Man immune to Ezekiel's.
* Fogg of the criminal duo Knight and Fogg can confuse it by making it seem the danger is all around Spider-Man rather than a specific threat.[1]
* In one issue, May Parker (Aunt May) was able to hit Spider-Man from behind without triggering his spider-sense. The reasoning behind this is that Peter didn't consider Aunt May to be a threat so his spider-sense didn't warn him when she struck him from behind.

[edit] Film

In the Spider-Man films, the spider-sense is explained as reflexes "so fast it borders on precognition", often signified with a special sound (like a bell ringing once very slowly) and bullet time photography. In the first Spider-Man film, the first time his spider-sense triggers, he seems to become aware of every potential danger in his surroundings, even those that pose no real threat, such as a fly or a paper spitball. In the Spider-Man 2 novelization (ISBN 2-265-07939-1), the spider-sense is described as a general slowing-down of his perception of time (e.g. one second would feel like a minute). In Spider-Man 3, the spider-sense is never shown going off in Spider-Man's head with its special sound like in the previous two movies. In a minor plot hole, when New Goblin first attacks Peter, it is clear Peter was unaware of the threat. Peter is shown using the spider-sense only once in the film, to dodge a pumpkin bomb thrown at him by Harry. Also, Eddie Brock as Venom (who is immune to the spider-sense) manages to attack Spider-Man by surprise, mocking Peter's inability to sense him with "Ooh, my spider-sense is tingling, if you know what I'm talking about."
[edit] Fighting style

Spider-Man has developed a unique fighting style that is nearly impossible for most other heroes to emulate or for most villains to defeat. Although Peter has never received any special fight training, he uses all of his powers simultaneously to overpower and overwhelm his foes. He also makes excellent use of his surroundings during battles. For example, using a webbed-up fire extinguisher as a projectile in order to get distance between himself and Doctor Octopus' crushing arms. He is also never without a witty response or wise-crack to throw at an enemy in order to distract, anger, or simply insult a foe. Spider-Man's fighting style can best be described as an improvisational freestyle that functionally encompasses the usage of his strength, speed, flexibility, wits, intelligence, and his "spider-sense", in order to work his strengths against his opponents' weaknesses. Spider-Man is a cunning fighter, so much so that he manages to defeat enemies much more powerful than himself. Major examples of this is his defeat of Titania during the Secret Wars. Another is his victory over Galactus' cosmic-powered herald, Firelord. This stems from the vast experience that he has accrued since his teenaged crime-fighting years. During the events of "The Other," Peter is shown as receiving martial arts training from Captain America.
[edit] Scientific Knowledge

Before the radioactive spider bite, Peter Parker was already a gifted academic student with considerable expertise in many fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, and advanced technology. Through these skills he was able to create his artificial web fluid, his web-shooters and other Spider-man equipment. His scientific knowledge has often been used to defeat his adversaries when his powers are not sufficient enough. Though not described as an ultra-high level super-genius, his intellect has impressed and gained the respect of individuals such as Iron Man, Ant Man and Mr. Fantastic

Further mutations
Man-Spider, from Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #9. Art by Mike Wieringo.

On several occasions, Spider-Man takes on more spider-like forms—at the extreme even transforming into a gigantic spider.

When Peter tried to rid himself of his spider powers by using a formula[28], it backfires: he grows four extra arms instead, which extend from his sides. With help from Dr. Curt Connors, and a blood sample from Morbius, he is able to return to normal.
For more details on this topic, see Spider-Man: The Six Arms Saga.

At one point[29], he is transformed by the Savage Land Mutates into a monstrous, predatory form that comes to be called "Man-Spider." In this form, his normal human consciousness is submerged, and he attacks like an animal. However, his conscience is able, barely, to stop him from killing. He is transformed into Man-Spider several other times.

In the Avengers Disassembled crossover event, Spider-Man encounters an enemy called the Queen, a woman capable of controlling insects. She triggers another transformation in him: first, he grows extra eyes and hair covering his body; second, he changes into a Man-Spider-like form (however, with his human mind still intact); and finally he transforms into a giant spider. In that form, he seems to die, but instead emerges in human form, but with enhanced powers. (See below.)

Other transformations included the vicious Spider-Lizard which occurred when Spider-Man tried to cure Dr. Connors from the Lizard persona by using a portable Enervator. The machine made Peter absorb radioactive feedback and transferred the reptilian metamorphosis to him and granting him bulletproof skin, a powerful tail and reptilian fangs and claws. There was also the Spider-Hulk mutation which granted the web-slinger the powers and the easy temper of the green goliath by transferring energy from the Hulk (which was kept in a Bio-Kinetic Energy Absorber made from a scientist trying to steal the Hulk's powers) to the web-slinger, when the last one accidentally touched the device.

In the What If: The Other, an alternate variation of the The Other storyline, Peter rejects the Spider and kills it, leaving him in a comotose state. The Venom symbiote abandons its current host, Mac Gargan, and bonds with Peter to become Poison, who combines the powers of Venom and Spider-Man's enhanced powers.

Peter was not the only one who suffered transferred mutations while wearing the Spider-Man costume. Ben Reilly was transformed into the Spider-Carnage when he was up against the powerful entity, because he had to bind with the alien in order to prevent its rampage.
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Nate Grey
Nate Grey

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